Industrial Sciences & Technology
Southern Arkansas University Tech offers a comprehensive range of industrial technology degrees and certifications which were developed with guidance from our advanced manufacturing partners. Located in the Highland Industrial Park, SAU Tech has a unique relationship to several large aerospace defense contractors and subcontractors. Companies such as Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control, Aerojet Rocketdyne, General Dynamics, Armtec Defense, and more.
While there are a group of programs listed under SAU Tech's Industrial Sciences and Technology Division, the College also offers a more general Industrial Sciences and Technology Degree Program.
SAU Tech provides credit for prior learning up to thirty (30) hours of college credit which may be transferred from another accredited institution, special program course work provided by SAU Tech, and selected work experience in business and industry. Some of our workforce training can also be converted for college-credit for these programs.
We are always looking for ways to meet the needs of our employers and to develop programs that train students to obtain a job or to advance in their career.
Degree Plan
Additional Industrial Sciences & Technology Division Programs
Get in Touch
Temeke Butler, Program Advisor
Eddie Horton, Faculty
Roland Walters, Faculty
John T. Smart, Faculty
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