SAU Tech Employee Directory

    young woman in light colored blouse

    Monteria Young

    Administrative Specialist III
    Financial Aid Office- Student Services
    Phone: 870-574-4511
    Man in polo shirt and cap

    Nick Piraino

    Assistant Athletic Director/Baseball Coach
    Athletics, Faculty
    Phone: 870-574-4564 or 870-574-4440
    woman with long dark hair wearing a rose shirt

    Nikki Welch

    Administrative Specialist III
    Physical Plant, Staff
    Phone: 870-574-4547
    black woman with long hair

    Patricia Burks

    Arkansas Career Coach -Camden Fairview School District
    Student Services
    Phone: 870-574-4722
    black man smiling

    Patrick Graham

    Director of Computer Services
    Information Technology and Telecommunications Services- Finance & Administration
    Phone: 870-574-4701
    White woman smiling

    Paula Doss

    Administrative Specialist III
    Student Services
    Phone: 870-574-4712
    woman with hair up wearing a black shirt

    Paula Evans

    Career Academy
    Phone: 870-574-4428
    man in black polo with facial hair

    Philip Diehl

    Softball Coach
    Phone: 870-574-4542
    rocket man in blue and yellow

    Philip Madayag

    Arkansas Fire Training Academy
    Phone: (870) 574-1521
    man in a plaid shirt

    Phillip Allison

    Phone: 870-574-4464
    black woman smiling

    Rachel Gaston

    Career Academy-Academics
    Phone: 870-574-4421
    rocket man in blue and yellow

    Rachel Jendrejas

    Adult Education
    Phone: 870-574-4004
    man in black suit with facial hair smiling

    Randy Harper

    Associate Vice Chancellor for the AETA & Director Workforce Training
    Phone: 870-574-4590
    woman smiling

    Rebecca Hughes

    Faculty- Arts & Sciences
    Phone: 870-574-4522
    Woman with with dark hair in an orange sweater

    Rita Givens

    Director Institutional Effectiveness & Research
    Academics & Planning
    Phone: 870-574-4495