SAU Tech Given Preliminary Approval and Receives Grant for Program
The Arkansas State Board of Nursing gave prerequisite approval to SAU Tech on Thursday, January 11, 2018 to purse the development of a LPN/Paramedic to RN transition program. The prerequisite approval for the development of the program is the first step toward obtaining full approval of SAU Tech’s program. During this phase, SAU Tech will design the curriculum plan; obtain Arkansas Higher Education Coordinating Board approval; begin advertising the program; develop student, faculty, and support staff policies and procedures; hire program instructors; obtain agency affiliation agreements for the clinical sites; complete facility renovations; and purchase equipment and supplies for the program.
The facility renovations were made possible by funds provided by Southern Arkansas University and a recent $149,950 grant received from the Arkansas Blue & You Foundation will be used for equipment and supply purchases. Additional funding for the program is coming through a recent Perkins grant.
This approval is a major step for SAU Tech. Without the approval from the Arkansas Nursing Board on Thursday, SAU Tech would have had to wait an additional two years to request the approval again.
Dr. Valerie Wilson, SAU Tech’s Vice Chancellor for Academics said that, “This is a much requested and needed program for our area of the state. SAU Tech has trained numerous LPN graduates over the years and soon will have the opportunity to assist them in furthering their education. We are excited that we will be able to meet this need.”
The tentative start date for the first class for the LPN/Paramedic to RN transition is fall 2019.
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