SAU Tech to Celebrate Graduates with Alternative Ceremony

SAU Tech to Celebrate 2020 Graduates with Alternative Ceremony

Southern Arkansas University Tech-Camden, Arkansas- SAU Tech is pleased to announce graduation plans for SAU Tech's 2020 graduates. On May 9, 2020, starting at 9:30 am, SAU Tech graduates will begin entering the campus to line-up for a drive-through graduation ceremony to start at 10:30 am. SAU Tech staff and faculty will follow COVID-19 guidelines as they line-up along the roadside to cheer on the 2020 graduating class.

Wayne Banks, SAU Tech's Registrar, will give students their cap and gown, and then students will proceed in their cars to the Chancellor, who, along with Vice-Chancellor for Academics, Dr. Valerie Wilson, will award the student their degrees. Students will receive their diploma cover, and later they will receive their actual diploma in the mail. Students who do not attend the ceremony will be mailed their cap, gown, diploma, and diploma cover after graduation.

The College's office of communications and development has created a webpage for students to submit their stories to be featured on the page as another way the College is celebrating this year's graduates. The graduation ceremony will be on Facebook Live on the College's Facebook page and filmed for later viewing on YouTube. See more at

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