Arkansas Environmental Training Academy
The Arkansas Environmental Training Academy is the designated Environmental Training Center for the State of Arkansas and is a training division of Southern Arkansas University Tech in Camden, Arkansas.
The Academy has a statewide mission to provide quality training and educational programs to aid the management and operating staff of municipal, commercial and industrial facilities in meeting state and federal licensing and certification requirements.
Within our resources, the Academy accomplishes its mission through comprehensive certification and continuing education programs, statewide technical assistance programs, administrative and student services, and professional development for faculty and staff.

How the AETA is Funded
Funding for the Academy’s statewide training programs is provided by the Arkansas State Legislature, Arkansas Department of Higher Education, industrial contracts, and student registration fees. The Academy provides training on the Southern Arkansas University Tech campus in Camden, Arkansas, at training sites statewide and by Internet delivery.

Randy Harper
AETA Director

Kenneth Robertson
Wastewater Program Coordinator/Instructor

Jeremy Rowe
Assistant Director
Water Program Coordinator/Instructor

Alan Spangler
Solid Waste Program Coordinator/Instructor

Kenny Harvey
Backflow Program Coordinator/Instructor

Andy Carter
EHS Program Coordinator/Instructor

Kronda Page
Administrative Specialist
Student Services

Heather Barkhimer
Administrative Analyst
Marketing & Production
Our Sponsors!

Get in Touch
Contact Information
Phone: (870) 574-4550 or (870) 574-4589
Fax: (870) 574-4565
Office Hours
7:00 am - 4:30 pm Monday-Thursday
7:00 am - 11:00 am Friday
Summer Hours (May-August)
7:00 am - 5:30 pm Monday-Thursday
Mailing Address
Arkansas Environmental Training Academy
PO Box 3499
Camden, Arkansas 71711
Shipping Address
Arkansas Environmental Training Academy
6415 Spellman Road
Camden, Arkansas 71701